All of the MasterClasses incorporate ThetaHealing, meaning you will come away with healing of beliefs, blockages and so much more.
These are exactly what they say pop up workshops!
It's Time to Positively Impact Your Life - Change Your Beliefs Change Your Life
This MasterClass is designed to release anything that you chose that is holding you back from flowing into the life that you are meant to live.
We will look at beliefs, patterns, blocks and fears from your past lives, family heritage and societal impressions.
Get ready to step into the flow of the life that is your sovereign right!
Thursday December 23rd 45 mins to 1 hour
@4 pm PT/5 pm MT/6 pm CT/7 pm ET
Activating the Vision of your 2022. In this MasterClass you are invited to bring what you want on your vision board and we will look at what is currently limiting you from designing that future.
During this workshop we will take a closer look at beliefs, patterns, blocks and fears from your past lives, family heritage and societal impressions. Especially when it comes to planning out your vision of the life you want.
There is nothing that can prevent you from actualizing that life once the work has been done to clear those beliefs.